Friday, February 27, 2009

Bengali celaka.

You know who I'm referring to! But hey, don't get mad at me - these exact words are the headline of a "opinion piece" on Kelab Penyokong Maya UMNO (KPMU).

How about a sampling of their quality writing? After all, UMNO positions themselves as the supreme party, their supporters should be equally supreme in their character...


Wakil Parlimen OKU dan bila -bila masa saja kita akan mengadakan pilihanraya kecil di parlimen beliau. (Announcing their mission to "get rid of" Karpal? - EWO)

Bengali ini tidak takut dengan sesiapa, beliau bertambah kurang ajar, beliau patut diajar Jika beliau tidak diajar, beliau akan menjadi lebih kurang ajar. (Threats of violence? To the point he is incapacitated? -EWO)

Beliau juga kurang ajar kepada raja kita. Kurang ajar kepada Raja kita samalah seperti kurang ajar kepada kita. ( UMNO is the Raja now, is it? Where's Syed Hamid with his ISA? - EWO)

Kia Arshad akan menolak bengali ini dengan kerusi-kerusi roda nya kedalam sungai. Kenapa tidak ada lagi orang macam Kia Arshad ini. ( of the proposed plans how to "ajar" dia? - EWO)

Oleh: Mazlan Hashim KPMU


Apa macam? MACC? ISA? SEDITION ACT? POLICE? Covers all your jurisdiction, I think. Sudah ada nama, ada bukti tulisan. Tak nak buat apa-apa ke?


  1. Like the leaders, the authorities, the organizations, are waiting for the bell to initiate a move, don't you think?

    When we already know these writer and writing, yet those who should have not heard it yet?

    Oo tunggu report ye?

    Well, another 100 years to act...
