Friday, April 10, 2009

Is It Just Me? Pt 3

Is it just me, or is Hee really having a "Before and After" experience?

This is what she looked like "Before":

And this is what she looks like 2 months "After":

Well, offhand I noticed a few things have improved:

1) Hair
2) Weight
3) Clothes
4) Skin
5) Makeup

Wow...must have been hell working with the Pakatan govt wasn't it? I mean, she did openly run down the Nga-Ngeh cousins and complain about not getting more power and perks. It's only fair the hell can you expect a politician to serve effectively without a Camry and driver, dammit! And for someone with shit BM to be elevated to Deputy Speaker of the House surely is too little an honour for someone of Hee's calibre!

Surely Hee has got her constituents in mind. Just look at the fierce determination on her face when she said that she wanted to complete all the projects in her constituency and that she wanted MORE allocations for development.

And for working so hard, surely she deserves a few perks!

Now got Camry, got exco post, etc...

Now also got time and money to do hair & makeup properly, go for facial until skin smooth like frog's ass, shopping for decent power wardrobe, and also slim wrap!!

Caya lu la, Hee! Really looking out for the people around you!


  1. She's still THE UGLIEST WOMAN I'VE EVER SEEN. The makeover was a complete waste of money.

  2. No amount of makeup or cosmetics is going to change the looks of this ugly old TOAD!

  3. She completely SOLD out her party/voters to BN.

    Her voters and most Malaysians I belief, will curse her to no end.

    A person without a soul looks ugliest? NO?!
