This one...
This ONE...
Utterly unbelievable!!!!!
‘1Toilet’ plan to let teachers and students mingle freely
(The Star) - The state government will introduce a “1Toilet” policy in a move to liberalise education, where teachers – and even principals – will soon have to share toilets with their students.
State Education, Higher Learning, Human Resource, Science and Technology Committee chairman Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman said the policy was mooted in line with the 1Malaysia concept, and teachers and students could have a feeling of “oneness”.
“We want students to have a sense of belonging that we believe would inspire them to excel further in their education.
“When students share the toilets with the teacher, they (students) will believe that they are on par with academicians and this automatically invokes a sense of being important to an organisation, which, in this case, is the school,” he said here yesterday.
(read the rest here)
Someone piss tell me that this is not true!
The State Education Committee Chairman is actually going ON PUBLIC RECORD to say that the TERENGGANU STATE GOVERNMENT has come out with a govt policy stating that if students and teachers pee together in 1Toilet, they would like each other more?
And that this is what 1Malaysia is all about?
And that this policy was taken seriously enough to be implemented in 1School?
And it is expected that it will make them 1 to excel in school.
God help us all that wee have entrusted our nation's education into the hands of peeple like this. How can wee have piss of mind?
The country's certainly gone potty!
And oh, by the way...
"they (students) will believe that they are on par with academicians and this automatically invokes a sense of being important"
Really? Well...for me, I can't think of a more demotivating thing for impressionable young boys when they are reminded daily of this reality by their teacher's presence in 1Toilet:

But, this is 1Malaysia after all. Peehaps it may work.
Or peehaps it will eventually fall into the dungpile like all the other bad ideas in our country's rather long list of bad ideas.
This...i certainly hope it does - FAST!
You peeple ah. Give you good idea, you take the piss out of it. No appreciation at all.
ReplyDeleteCan't you peez see the hidden agenda? When you see the size of your teacher's pee organ compared to your wee-sized one, your importance will shrink automatically.
In this way, you shall be trained to respect your Tuan Sekolah masing masing.
Get it? It's called 1Toilet Training. Get them young. How else to control them?